____ Xuan ♥

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thinking out of the box

As a break from making lanterns, Miss Lisa gave us a simple assignment to do - thinking out of the box. So, what is your creativity inside and outside the square? 
What is your square?

For this assignment, we were asking to cut out our designs by six inches paper square.
This assignment is split into two parts which is an asymmetrical and a symmetrical design.
We were given one and a half hour to explore our ideas by using cutout techinque.

Finally, I chose a "freedom" as my theme.

At first, i did many sketches but I am not really satisfied with my own sketches so Miss Lisa give me some ideas to improve it.
Here's one of my sketches and I tried to cut it out. This is final work.

During two weeks of doing this expansion of square, I decided to change my theme to "ROMANCE".
This assignment really push me to think more and more and stimulate our creativity and imagination.

My final work

Symmetrical design

Close-up of the couple, girl is taking a love shape balloon with "love" string.

Asymmetrical design

Some of coursemates' design

 Final presentation of our work

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Design on the stencils

We chose patriotic theme which is related to the National Day.
We divide into two sections which is lanterns with different ethnic's stencil and abstract paintings with four different colour (red, blue, white and yellow) that represent our flag - Jalur Gemilang.

Besides that, we also divided into four groups for doing different ethnic's stencil which is Malay, Indian, Chinese and Minority. I joined the minority stencil designs because I am from Sarawak. And i also joined red team for the abstract painting.

Some references that i found for my stencils.

Here's my final work.

Paste onto B4 size paper by using chinese ink.

Some of my group mates' work.

Final presentation