____ Xuan ♥

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Contextual Studies : Noir

What is Noir?
What do you know about Noir?
The actual word comes from French and it means "black". Noir is usually refers to the classic black and white film noir style. Okay, so... what is film noir?
Film noir is not easily defined. Film noir literally means "black film" in French and features themes which are more negative than positive, with an overall dark and shadowy outlook--being filmed in black and white.

Film noir is a genre that began in the early 1930's and remained as a strong cinematic medium until the early 1960's. This film genre takes in detective and crime noir as well as many gangster films of the 1930's. Noir also moves into more modern films combining with other genres. 
These movies included  :

western noir - "High Noon"

romance noir - "Laura"

Crime noir - "The Big Heat"

And even modern detective noir - "L.A. Confidential" and "Chinatown".

So you think you can handle more noir? These sites will lead you deeper into the ominous, exciting and often controversial world of film noir. 

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